Tuesday 3 April 2012

Went to Meet Valley With Yap

     Everyday stay at house play computer so boring, finally I decided to go out with my friend. But I did it in a last minute moment. On Friday I ask my friend to go with me to Meet Valley on saturday with me cause I wan buy some anime = =. LALALA~ they all not free and finally Yap say he wan go there buy books so he followed me. The stupid Kiat say he wan dota so I tried to kill him with my water bottle. Yap and I promised to meet at 10.30 morning. So I setted my alarm at 10 o'clock ( I lazy wake up = =) and slept~
    On Saturday Morning, I woke up 9.15 a.m. and these few days I seems weird cause I can wake up even without my alarm. I went for a bath, then fly outside my room and on the computer for no reason = =. My mother tell me to take my Breakfast 1st because she already da bau something for me if I'm not mistaken is Lam Mee(which I doesn't enjoy very much). I ate my breakfast and went into facebook(its already normal thing for me)
    Then I remembered that I got a pro weapon from my friend in Maplesea but my level is not enough so I "didn't" waste my time and open Maplesea to level up. When I totally forgotten about Yap he came and rang my door bell. Then only I realise that its already 10.30 and I faster open the door for him to join me in Maple XD. He came in and sat beside me with the computer and my brother also sitting beside me playing computer. But my brother totally ignore him because its a normal thing that Yap come to my house. He always did that last time but its been a long time since he come to my house.
     I told him to help me continue my game cause I need to finish my Lam Mee faster = =(I didn't even finish my food yet). Finally we finished everything and its 11 o'clock. We went out and wait for a taxi. I wan to thanks God for giving a taxi for me in 1 minutes after we went out. A old man with his taxi come and stop beside us after I waved my hand at him. I open the front door and told him "Meet Valley?". He nodded and we went into the car.
     While we get on the car, I feel happy and tried my best not to make the taxi driver nervous(but I think I'm more nervous then him). I asked him if weather he had start the meter counter or not he pointed at the meter and said "有按了啊" and he kept silent after I showed him a "Ops I didn't see it" face. After few second he started moving the car I put on my seat belt and Yap followed as I did. We kept silent on the way to Meet Valley.
     Its not totally bored while on the car because I use my time to do stupid thing like checking if the car is clean or not = =. I realise that there is a sign in front of the car telling us to put on our seat belt. I feel proud because I'm so disciplined (pui pui ><). Then I realise the taxi's driver driving license. He is a old man and he lived near my house(which I didn't realise at all). I think he and us are both lucky because while he just went out to find a passenger and we just came out to find a taxi and we meet haha~
    After we reached there, I looked at the meter. I remembered its something like RM14.50. I took out RM15 and I thought that I got 50 sens but I don't have and so the taxi driver. Yap tell me its 14.40 but not 14.50 but I don't care because I got only 10 sens in my wallet = =. I finally decided to pay the taxi driver RM15 not need 找(是不是很大方leh?XD). After paying the taxi driver we went into the shopping center.
    The first thing I wanted to do after going into the shopping center is GO TO TOILET~! XD so Yap followed me. After finish kencing = = ( I hate that word it disgust me ) I wanted to wash my hand. I push the thing and nothing happen then only I remembered it is a sensor hand washing machine. So I putted my hand there and tell Yap "pai seh pai seh". We went out to from the Rich Man Toilet and continue our Anime Hunting journey.
    I didn't have any idea where are we going to go, so I and Yap decided to use the best idea. Go to the top floor and come down 1 floor by 1 floor. The top floor is all about entertainment and FOOD~! It was 12.30 when we reached there and so we decided to do the best thing, Lunch Time~. The McDonald should be a good idea before it is crowded by about 20 people waiting to order. And the cinema was also crowded by sea of people. It is really.... how to say..... Sux = =. The top floor is crowded by unknown creature haiz.
    While we walking, I finally found out the reason why there are so many people here. Yap told me that there are people who finished their SPM and already got their result trying to find what they have to do now. So they had a thing like SPM WORK FINDING FAIR = =. All those Form5.1 ppl(cause they finish Form 5 d marh so level up lah Form 5.1)came and deng deng deng dang! I remembered last time that I came with Nesh. We ate somewhere where is very cheap and delicious so I ask Yap to follow me.
    I remember the store is somewhere down stair, we went down and I forgotten where is it. I tried to find it but I realise it had became a Toy For Children shop. I went to find the map and finally found where to eat. We went there and there are many things to order. I wan to tried some new thing and I finally find a shop which sell weird things. I bought his asam rice. Yap bought some weird food like combination of western and asian food. The rice and the sotong is not bad, but the asam is really asli so it tasted so sour.
    After finished eating I went to buy Sprite~ my favourite can drink. So I enjoy my drink because there are no people waiting for place there and it is so empty haha. We finish our water and went back to the map. I want to find the Anime Shop but its gone cause I remember it is somewhere up stair but just now I didn't see it. I saw the map and followed it and finally know that the store Jab Lap d. Haiz such pitty.
    So I wasted my time to come here but I still remember that we have to go for the book shop because Yap still have to buy some book. So we went there, the road to there seems forever cause I feel like walking so long but still I not yet reach there and finally we reached. The book shop is so big and I can find all the book I want but not all the book Yap want. Yap cant find his book and only can find book for SPM and I founded my Percy Jackson had change new cover but still there is no new book.
    Time wasted again but at least I know that Rick Riordan had change his book cover. I walked randomly with Yap and asked him 1 question,"you want go times square I wan buy something" and he say he don't wan because he had nothing to buy there. But actually the main reason I want to go Times Square is because of Sungai Wang and the Times Square is just beside Sungai Wang but I thought it will be easy for him to understand if I say I wan go to Times Square.
    I finally say that I want to go Sungai Wang and so he pulled me and say"ok ok faster gogo"(walao so fast change mind one meh). We took another taxi there, before we took the taxi we was suppose to check for the train if it can reach TS or not. But sadly it didn't even touch Pudu. So we are force to take another taxi to TS. This time the taxi driver is a Chinese Man. I ask Yap to seat in front this time cause I lazy or I.... don't know lah just don't feel like sitting.
    The taxi driver thought I don't know how to speak chinese because Yap spoke BM with him. He speak with me in English that the door not yet close probably but I reply him in chinese and he feel shame = =. This time the journey to TS doesn't seems forever because I tot we reached there in a blink of my eye. Maybe because I'm too exited to buy my anime.
    We went into Sungai Wang and I remembered where we have to go because I came here with my friend already few times. We went to the duno how many floor but I remember how to go and I finally found the Anime shop. But there was not DVD that I want so I go to the other shop and find but that shop never sell DVD. So I went back to the shop and ask yap to ask him.
    I wanted to buy "The Melecoly Of Haruhi Suzumiya" and Yap told him the name but that guys seems only know anime in their chinese names. He asked me to write down the name and he called someone. It takes me about 5 minutes for the guy to come and give me the DVD. It cost me RM40 and the best thing is it contain 3 version of the anime. The 1st version is the normal version which I wanted to buy, the second version is the Q version which I don't even know it exist but still I'm happy with it and finally is the movie version which I already bought 1 with RM10 at Comic Fiesta zzz.
   After buying things Yap want to go for another anime costume shop to check something so I followed him. After checking we decided to go Lauyat to eat the MageeMee XD its cheap and delicious but expencive. We went there and I ordered a TomYamSup mee and yap GonLouMee. After enjoying our food we wanted to go back and register for a new tuition. We rush back, we try our best to go to the bus stop in the fastest way we can. After we reach the bus stop I wan to thanks the God again for letting just to wait 5minutes for the bus. 
    We took the bus back and the bus also pass my father's shop. I showed Yap but Yap himself also know where my father's shop is. After we reach Suntex we walk to my house. I sat in front of my computer again and yap was also beside me. I continue to play my game until Yap remind me about the registeration. We didn't realise 1 problem until we call our pro friend Ravi. We asked him where the hell is that tuition center and he say its very hard to say. And like this Yap and I decided to register only on Tuesday which is today.
    Tomorrow I'm going to start my Sejarah tuition which is a hell for me cause I hated Sejarah very much. I like history but not about those Islam thingi lol. I think I'm going to stop here, if I continue writing it will reach 2 more pages haha. Bye Bye blog

Friday 30 March 2012

LALALA~ Its About My Favourite Teacher, She's Sick = = God Bless

        Its been a long time, but still I can remember that day. Its a April afternoon of 2008, my mum bring me to a music center. Its not my wish, but still my mum force me to go. I went for a register, Uncle James,the 'boss'(maybe = =) tell me that I can start my tuition tomorrow which is a Wednesday. After that day, I went to tuition at 8.00 p.m.. The teacher is known as Mrs.Wong which is Uncle James wife. When I go in, she ask me to seat beside Shum Kah Hee, he was a 6E class student which is the best class in my Primary school. I sat beside him as she told me to, I was so nervous. And Mrs.Wong say "Okey, what school you are from? I heard it from your mother that you are from Chinese school, can u speak English?" Maybe I was so nervous, I tried to be friendly, I noded and say "yes, I can speak English". She stare at me with a smile of satisfaction.
        And she started teaching us Grammar and many thing else....... (only this part I cant remember because I'm not a super fantastic student = =). I'm still not familiar with the student beside me, he looks unfriendly and weird. Thats what I think of him, but it was not who he was. When the teacher went out of the class, the whole class start talking except one weird Indian girl behind, I think because he don't like us. And KH(Shum Kah Hee = = I lazy type his name)is the most friendly and funny guy in the class. He started greeting me and ask me alot of question about school(you know lah he same school with me). And suddently, I realise that there is a girl that looks familiar sitting behind me that I never notice, he tapped me at the shoulder and Called my name. LOL~ she was my classmate(now also same class with me). And now I feel more 'home' cause at least I know someone and I had a Crazy Friendly Fellow sitting beside me.
         Its been a long time, many of the students leave the class and many more things happened. From 9 students we had became 5 students(A new guy also, I counted him because if not it will be 4 person only). But the teacher is still teaching us, she is very friendly, very patience. She teach in a way which will never ever make you boring because he always tell you about story of her life or maybe about the world now. She says, this is the best way of learning English, 'Read more, Speak More, Learn More' is her style. She look young but she is already 80+ years old. I'm happy to see her look healthy. One day, she fell from her chair while doing house work, we was all so scared and we call her to check up. It takes two weeks for us to meet her again, after his leg is cure but still she have to wear a bandage.
         Want to know how we meet her? I was shock when she call us to go for tuition on Wednesday, I never think of she getting cure so fast, when we reach there, she is holding two stick and walking. When she saw us, she broke us a smile. And I was stunned because we totally have nothing to say. From that day on, this tells me that she is a very very very responsible teacher. She told us that she is not very good going up the stairs, but only that day. She tells us to go to her house for a tuition. We went to her house on the next Wednesday. Her house was like..... A super House Of Nature which only seems to build in the old London, It was so beautiful, so neat, so...... (nah~! I lazy explain go see ur self).
          We start helping her to do some housework when we are free(still in class time, she just ask for our help). After 1 month having tuition in the house, we finally can go back to our old tuition center. And one day, she tell us that next week we have to cancel our class because she had a surgery, stomach surgery. So we missed one more class like that~ When we reach Form 2, I still remember The Phantom Of The Opera, she explain it very well and also she read the book with us, together. After we finish the book, she wan us to understand the settings. She let us watch 'The Phantom Of The Opera', haha nice movie but alot of opera song singing here and there.
          It took us two day just to finish the movie. After 2 days of tuition which is two weeks cause 1 week once we had a tuition, and at the third day. There is a new student(the fellow that I said I counted him) came. He was a fat....not fat a huge guy with spec. He is also friendly, and thats when we started having 5 members in our class. The class continue very well and when we reach Form 3, thats when we say that we have to get A in our PMR. Because if 5 of us get A in PMR our teacher will belanja us eat crab~ Yummy~. And we just study study study(me no lah = = I'm super lazy, I only went for tuition and study).
          After we get our PMR result, we went for the tuition(Wednesday). We shared our result and, poof~ we all get A~ Huala! But none of us remember that we can makan crab~ And a girl drew a crab and show me( the one same class with me ). At, first I don't understand what she meant but he said with a low voice "crap arh" and wakaka I told the teacher about that. The teacher said "Good! Lucky u tell me, if not after I do the surgery I canot eat anymore seafood. So next week you all come to my house and eat ok? Because the following week I'm going to have my eye surgery". All of us agreed.
           On that day, we all gathered at the tuition center and the teacher send us to her house(lalala, we meet again Super House Of Nature). We talk about jokes and teacher teach us about the English Culture of eating. We learn and we ate as she want haha~. My friend took some stupid picture of mind so did I took some stupid picture of him = =. That day was very fun and the crab is super tasty(oh no my saliva is coming out). After that week, my teacher went for her eye operation. It took few week for her to cure.
           And this Wednesday, I went to tuition. We was studying and sharing jokes as normal time. The teacher tell us some weird stuff that she normally never did. I just listen and didn't ignore cause it just impossible for me to ignore it. And when she reach a sentence"and that day the doctor told me that they can do nothing....." and she broke a cry. All of us are shocked. She told us to keep that to ourself and dont tell anybody else. Cause she don't want her family to get worried.
            I and my classmate(two of them same class and same tuition with me now) which is same tuition as me, are shocked. But when we reached school, we never talked about it cause all of us also try to ignore. And every night, I pray to the god. I dont know who is he and I dont even seen him before but I wan to tell him. Whoever your are, please help her. You never showed up in my life I dont know weather I can believe you or not but just please, bless her.......

Thursday 2 February 2012


Today also got tuition, haiz.......... Went to tuition cause I like to there for no reason. Ok now talk about the Past~ Form 1, I went to school with my mum the 1st day. I sat at the front row with no one beside me. Suddenly got 1 guy came and sat beside me. He is Lim thats what he told me. In the starting time we always quarrel with each other but we are still friend cause I always forgive him. Then I change class from Cekal to Budi (going up not down). Then I known JVK the pro~ Haha and then I known Ravikaant ^^. And also Gig! We are known as the 四大天王 cause we always 捣乱 in the class haha no do homework, talk in class when teacher teaching until teacher marah and call the guru disipline XD. That time four of us are the most most most best friend when we are in trouble we help each other. Until the last day, we were separate cause of my BM getting D. I went down to Cekal and JVK Budi, Ravikaant and Gig Bakti. Then I met with my most best friend in my life, Simeon. We do things together everyday, I feeling happy and not getting betrayed by friend when I'm with him, sometime I also quarrel with him but after 30minutes we will be ok again XD. That part of my life is so heaven /.\ and the heaven falls when I got known that he went to Sarawak and canot come back until Form 5. I went to form 3 with my X classmate Ravi Gig and JVK. We are not like last time any more. My gang change to Akihiro Lulu's gang which is also Lim's gang. Mid year time, we all are anti LLH gang, we always find stupid way to do stupid things to him. And somthing stupid happened and I hated Lim. Lulu was the middle ppl so I pitty him = =. That was the suckest life I ever had. That time I still dun watch K-ON and I was playing band with Yap only but no Super Band XD. Until 1 day I, Yap and Nesh meet in the toilet and saw the K-ON picture and then we started band together, I started watching K-ON and I become eddicted to Japan. We started so noob, then we getting better and better. Lim was my X drumer and I ask Yap to choose me or Lim to stay = = I think he is regret cause.... I will explain later. He choose me, we stay and we found Kiat the genius and so Ravi that interested in drum. The form 3 life after PMR is OMG FANTASTIC we all are so gila. Then we went up to December, we went to the same tuition together. So we started everything earlier than the others. Starting time we are like normal life but until something stupid happend. This is what I wished for when I'm form 3 but thats no I want now. All my subjects I suddenly can be so Pro I dun even have to study just read and got it. Like I'm been bless by the God or something else I was happy when starting. All my friends come to my house I always teach them, and yap started to be strange and not friendly..... he was my best best friend that time and I feel nervous and awkward >< I found out everthing 2day, maybe because I'm being too good and I started become LC, I realize that but I'm just joking with them. 2day I tell to my self in the heart, and maybe the God heard me. I say "I dont want to become the Pro Kong which every body get nears me for reason, I wan to be the Noob Kong that always have friends with me and that help me when I needed them but not I help them and they think I'm stupid I dont want to become smart suddenly I want to be a normal person, someone that needed to study to improve not sleep until tuition time go tuition get 100% for exam!!!!!!!!!!!". Then, I started to get slow and all my quetions gets wrong, all my friends are faster than me I dont know why I do many careless mistaks like last time. I hope not because I have no mood doing that time so I wrong, I hope because I regret for what I want from the God and the God took back the stupid wisdom and bring me back my friend. Haiz~

Friday 27 January 2012

2day My Friend Came To my House do Stupid Things

2day Morning I was sleeping so suang and sudently my mum call me, I almost forgot to go tuttion so I wake up and take a bath. Then when I get ready I call Yap to ask him if he went to tution ready ornot. Good news is he not yet go and can pick me up but Bad News is we both late. I hear Yap get scolded on the car by his mum but for me late is just a normal thing for me cause I super pro later XD. Then in tution as normal Sir keep saying 'you have a smart brain and you are just too lazy to use it and you will tottaly waste it. Haiz actully not I dont wan to homework I just forgot and sometime I think its useless for me to do it cause I already do it even be4 sir started teaching it haiz. Then I was the fastest in the tution to finish all the work as normal. After finish tution Ravi say wan come my house so I can teach him type chinese for Mo Siang Online XD(a game). Then I went home and open computer then he came. 1st I teach him how allow the Taiwan chinese typer. Then we change our character's name in game to chinese so that those chinese ppl wont kill us and think we are malay. Then we created a guild call Half Blood in chinse means 混血, it stand for Half Human Half God(Demigod). Then we was trying to create a logo(must be a cool~ 1) so I went internet to check how to create. MsPaint, Type, Cut, Resize and at last I created it. Then we went into the game to allow it but unluckyly something was wrong and I cant use the logo. After a long long long time I finally found out I typed wrong name zzz. Then we finish the logo yeah! Then my bro's fren(which is also my friend) call me and tell me go his house fix things. I went there in full mood, but when half way there I fell stomach pain and I wan to make it a fast trip. I went there check something(亂亂來的). And say its ur anti-virus problem(but Its true lah). I tell him to fly to my house and take again the game bla bla bla and I faster run out the house and he chase me XD wakakaka. Then I tell I stomach pain I went home for toilet. When I come out I found him infront of my computer and I teach him how to do. Then he went home. He called me again and say canot and I feel like banging his computer to the wall. I tell I will go next time and I continue to do my work. At night suddenly my friend call me go play DOTA. He waited me in the room. I went in and I didn't see King Kiat. We keep scolding him until he finally come into the room and we start. Then I cliek -random to let the server to pick a random hero for me. As normal I got a stupid INT hero wich let me get Killing Spree at 1st and ppl GodLike me at last haiz. We loose the game like Shyt. I duno why Im writting this blog but I still wrote is for fun, you sure will think this is the stupiest blog ever XD.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Haiz~ 大人还真烦

2day I wake up normal time(I don't really remember what time)and I do the eventually thing that I will do,open computer XD, play play 下发现my back very pain = = 应该是我老了吧. Then afternoon I call my friend go teman me cut hair I duno where cut, then he say lazy = = haiz nvm loh 2moro cut. I continue my com, and at 5 o'clock he suddently call me and say ok lah now the weather nicer come go cut your hair so I just follow loh. Then the lady just ask "你有读书吗?我帮你剪一个好看又不用被老师捉的。" and she help me cut loh she keep talking to me in many language I just smile and say ya. Then at last she finish I found out my hair ok but totally not my style cause look so weird(for me). Then I went back my mum all say nice but I just look at it and think 我星期一会没脸见人的!lol, my back still so pain. After that we went for eating, my father suddently come tell me to buy the Samsung Galaxy Y cause the system faster. Then I tell I wan 5 mega pixell 1 then he call me buy Samsung Galaxy W also better bying Samsung Galaxy Ace then I tell my fren using W and it is fast but so small the screen and the key so hard to press but he keep telling how good is other phone = = omg.......... 现在是我买电话还是你买哦?Just now I was suppose to play my com with my friend at night but my bro wan play(ps: I got 2bro Im eldest)so I let them play and the smallest 1 was playing from morning. Then suddently at night my friend call me play with him so I call the small 1 to borrow me computer and he promise then suddentlly Kiat finish his mandi and call use play then I call my bro to let me play, something happen that I lazy tell then we all canot play com thx to him. Now I really hate all my life and its totally SUX!!!!!!!!

Friday 6 January 2012


Today at school was like shit, I dun wan tell about school 因为想到就气。Then 2day Yap Kiat and William came to my house at the afternoon, William 4got to bring his paper so 2day we just do many stupid things, play awhile band(也不完全算是吧= =) then I play com they all look at me play Rage(a game that kill zombie 1 = =) and I keep shouting"去死!不要靠近我!" Lol~ hahaha...... Then after they all go back I lie on my bed, 想了很多神经病的东西. Haiz~ 最近一直这样。我真的忍不住了,I wan tell what was 'it' that everyday I say, it is my family and a girl.......(it both different topic but I combine them all in 1 and call it 'it'). Tell abut my family 1st, hope my brother wont see this. I know he is a very very bad student in school, I know he is gangsteer and he join bad friends, I really duno how to help him. That day my friend come and ask me"Hey Kong! You're in what class?!" and I just answer as normal. Then he ask 1 question and I stun, everytime I give the same answer. He asked "So.... ur brother...... how?" = = they all know about my bro~ haiz= = 很丢脸啊! Then I will always give the same answer"Haiz.... I duno him lah....... He is always like that." And I feel like dying everytime I reply. And my Mum, she promised me to bring me to buy a phone and that day she said "Ai Yah~ wait your change class result come out 1st lah then I buy for you, if not you're will not be concentrated in class." I was different from other teengers..... I dun dare to scold my mum or what I know many teenagers nowdays did that. I just replay in a sad voice(in cantonese)"你们每次都是这么的啦,答应左人地没次都拖延的。" and I went to sleep. And 2day..... I was.... Just~ Haiz, In my room,Im lying on my bed thinking of a girl (我不想和你们讲这样多)and I remember few things and from there on, I tell my self "喜欢上一个人已经很幸苦了,爱上一个人不死也算幸运了"after that I use pillow to cover my face, and when I realise I am crying and I dont know why. I went to the mirror and look at my self, and I laugh when Im crying and I look stupid 我真的快要死了(没那么严重). I just want to tell out what I feel this few days, my parents are killing me and I'm still in my own problem. I really duno what to do so I release all my stress and anger in my blog, 看了不要问多多。

Thursday 5 January 2012


This Wednesday I was so happy that we finally can go back to school. I woke up at 5.30 a.m. and faster get ready and wait for my bus to pick me up. I was so exited and wish that I would get into a good class ^^. Then I wait for 15minutes and I saw that the bus was late. When the bus finally came it was fantastic to see that my bus is full of people increased at least twice of the last years students. I just go infront and sit with my friend Phillip. When we reach there I just walk up as normal, and walk up the stairs. I saw many Noobs~(joking = =) sitting there and waiting for the 'perhimpunan' to start. I found my 'gang' and sat there. I was so lucky because when I just sat down the perhimpunan started. The teachers says sum stupid things that all I dont even care. Then at last the most important part. The Form 4 class, the 1st batch 4 Alfa zzz all straight A's. The 2nd batch 4 Beta we said bye bye to King Kiat XD. Then the 3rd batch,4 delta, 0.0 did I heard wrong? I never heard my name!!!! OMG, I heard Kean Onn, Ravi, Gig, Ashwin...... /.\ no~~~~~~~~~~. Then I was at the 4 Gamma = = the 4th class. Then I realised my stupid school is sepperating class using SJ and Geo also. Haiz no mood d then I went to the place and saw my friend William, in my heart I think thank god there is someone I know /.\ . Then we went into the class. Few teacher came in and talk sum rubbish. Then I feel like missing my computer and phone /.\ Dream and dream and dream = =. Then I feel super stress, WHY I NO IN THAT CLASS??? AND WHY *sensord*(Let call this thing as it cause I duno how to call) AND WHY IM NOT SAME CLASS WITH MY FRIEND,WHY I CANOT BUY PHONE MUST WAIT SO LONG? Haiz........ Then the main problem is it  >< Yesterday when I came back from school, I was thinking about it even when I am sick = = . Then morning wake up 1st thing I wan to die is it again, then go school when I dreaming and staring at the the table I think about it, when inside school in class I  think about it zzz I keep finding something to do to stop reminding my self from that stupid thing !!!! Then 2day I came back I play fb for awhile then go do my maths homework. I do until num 4 I no mood do d. Zzz Then I do the other chapter and at last I finish. I go watch tv to release stress for awhile and when I saw the clock I was late. Then I must take my bag and rush to my tution = = haiz. Lucky on the road it does'nt border me at all. Then I walk inside the house I go inside the room and I found my friend all already reach and Im totally super duper late = = zzz. Then I sat beside King Kiat the mad fellow. Sir(my tution teacher) ask me to do the things on white board XD easy job lah. Then sir said sumthing make me got and idea to remove stress. He say Yu Maan is the only one can catch up very fast in maths XD he he he then I faster cuan my fren haha XD then I feel more happy. And I keep cuaning them until they say wan come my house and burn my house at night lol~. Then when I go back Ravi borrow me his phone Samsung Galaxy W~ Nice man got drum and guitar hahaha. Then my mum came and I said bye bye to the phone not Ravi XD. Then when I send Kean Onn back to his house. My mum ask me, (in english cause I always speak English with my mum)" You eat already? Im very hungry cause I never eat since bla bla bla." Then she ask me want to eat? And I try my best to look normal and say Nah I dont feel like eating. And she say " Of course you're not feeling to eat cause you look sad and stress, it's okey if you canot chage to other class try change school lah." Haiz I duno what to say wan tell her about it? And she will laugh at me= = lol~ Now I really duno what to do. I can only release my stress through music my favoroute activity. Then 2moro my fren coming my house XD yay got company haha. Haiz~ and I wan ask..... IVY !!!! WHY YOU NO REPLY ME???