Friday 6 January 2012


Today at school was like shit, I dun wan tell about school 因为想到就气。Then 2day Yap Kiat and William came to my house at the afternoon, William 4got to bring his paper so 2day we just do many stupid things, play awhile band(也不完全算是吧= =) then I play com they all look at me play Rage(a game that kill zombie 1 = =) and I keep shouting"去死!不要靠近我!" Lol~ hahaha...... Then after they all go back I lie on my bed, 想了很多神经病的东西. Haiz~ 最近一直这样。我真的忍不住了,I wan tell what was 'it' that everyday I say, it is my family and a girl.......(it both different topic but I combine them all in 1 and call it 'it'). Tell abut my family 1st, hope my brother wont see this. I know he is a very very bad student in school, I know he is gangsteer and he join bad friends, I really duno how to help him. That day my friend come and ask me"Hey Kong! You're in what class?!" and I just answer as normal. Then he ask 1 question and I stun, everytime I give the same answer. He asked "So.... ur brother...... how?" = = they all know about my bro~ haiz= = 很丢脸啊! Then I will always give the same answer"Haiz.... I duno him lah....... He is always like that." And I feel like dying everytime I reply. And my Mum, she promised me to bring me to buy a phone and that day she said "Ai Yah~ wait your change class result come out 1st lah then I buy for you, if not you're will not be concentrated in class." I was different from other teengers..... I dun dare to scold my mum or what I know many teenagers nowdays did that. I just replay in a sad voice(in cantonese)"你们每次都是这么的啦,答应左人地没次都拖延的。" and I went to sleep. And 2day..... I was.... Just~ Haiz, In my room,Im lying on my bed thinking of a girl (我不想和你们讲这样多)and I remember few things and from there on, I tell my self "喜欢上一个人已经很幸苦了,爱上一个人不死也算幸运了"after that I use pillow to cover my face, and when I realise I am crying and I dont know why. I went to the mirror and look at my self, and I laugh when Im crying and I look stupid 我真的快要死了(没那么严重). I just want to tell out what I feel this few days, my parents are killing me and I'm still in my own problem. I really duno what to do so I release all my stress and anger in my blog, 看了不要问多多。

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