Friday 27 January 2012

2day My Friend Came To my House do Stupid Things

2day Morning I was sleeping so suang and sudently my mum call me, I almost forgot to go tuttion so I wake up and take a bath. Then when I get ready I call Yap to ask him if he went to tution ready ornot. Good news is he not yet go and can pick me up but Bad News is we both late. I hear Yap get scolded on the car by his mum but for me late is just a normal thing for me cause I super pro later XD. Then in tution as normal Sir keep saying 'you have a smart brain and you are just too lazy to use it and you will tottaly waste it. Haiz actully not I dont wan to homework I just forgot and sometime I think its useless for me to do it cause I already do it even be4 sir started teaching it haiz. Then I was the fastest in the tution to finish all the work as normal. After finish tution Ravi say wan come my house so I can teach him type chinese for Mo Siang Online XD(a game). Then I went home and open computer then he came. 1st I teach him how allow the Taiwan chinese typer. Then we change our character's name in game to chinese so that those chinese ppl wont kill us and think we are malay. Then we created a guild call Half Blood in chinse means 混血, it stand for Half Human Half God(Demigod). Then we was trying to create a logo(must be a cool~ 1) so I went internet to check how to create. MsPaint, Type, Cut, Resize and at last I created it. Then we went into the game to allow it but unluckyly something was wrong and I cant use the logo. After a long long long time I finally found out I typed wrong name zzz. Then we finish the logo yeah! Then my bro's fren(which is also my friend) call me and tell me go his house fix things. I went there in full mood, but when half way there I fell stomach pain and I wan to make it a fast trip. I went there check something(亂亂來的). And say its ur anti-virus problem(but Its true lah). I tell him to fly to my house and take again the game bla bla bla and I faster run out the house and he chase me XD wakakaka. Then I tell I stomach pain I went home for toilet. When I come out I found him infront of my computer and I teach him how to do. Then he went home. He called me again and say canot and I feel like banging his computer to the wall. I tell I will go next time and I continue to do my work. At night suddenly my friend call me go play DOTA. He waited me in the room. I went in and I didn't see King Kiat. We keep scolding him until he finally come into the room and we start. Then I cliek -random to let the server to pick a random hero for me. As normal I got a stupid INT hero wich let me get Killing Spree at 1st and ppl GodLike me at last haiz. We loose the game like Shyt. I duno why Im writting this blog but I still wrote is for fun, you sure will think this is the stupiest blog ever XD.

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