Friday 30 March 2012

LALALA~ Its About My Favourite Teacher, She's Sick = = God Bless

        Its been a long time, but still I can remember that day. Its a April afternoon of 2008, my mum bring me to a music center. Its not my wish, but still my mum force me to go. I went for a register, Uncle James,the 'boss'(maybe = =) tell me that I can start my tuition tomorrow which is a Wednesday. After that day, I went to tuition at 8.00 p.m.. The teacher is known as Mrs.Wong which is Uncle James wife. When I go in, she ask me to seat beside Shum Kah Hee, he was a 6E class student which is the best class in my Primary school. I sat beside him as she told me to, I was so nervous. And Mrs.Wong say "Okey, what school you are from? I heard it from your mother that you are from Chinese school, can u speak English?" Maybe I was so nervous, I tried to be friendly, I noded and say "yes, I can speak English". She stare at me with a smile of satisfaction.
        And she started teaching us Grammar and many thing else....... (only this part I cant remember because I'm not a super fantastic student = =). I'm still not familiar with the student beside me, he looks unfriendly and weird. Thats what I think of him, but it was not who he was. When the teacher went out of the class, the whole class start talking except one weird Indian girl behind, I think because he don't like us. And KH(Shum Kah Hee = = I lazy type his name)is the most friendly and funny guy in the class. He started greeting me and ask me alot of question about school(you know lah he same school with me). And suddently, I realise that there is a girl that looks familiar sitting behind me that I never notice, he tapped me at the shoulder and Called my name. LOL~ she was my classmate(now also same class with me). And now I feel more 'home' cause at least I know someone and I had a Crazy Friendly Fellow sitting beside me.
         Its been a long time, many of the students leave the class and many more things happened. From 9 students we had became 5 students(A new guy also, I counted him because if not it will be 4 person only). But the teacher is still teaching us, she is very friendly, very patience. She teach in a way which will never ever make you boring because he always tell you about story of her life or maybe about the world now. She says, this is the best way of learning English, 'Read more, Speak More, Learn More' is her style. She look young but she is already 80+ years old. I'm happy to see her look healthy. One day, she fell from her chair while doing house work, we was all so scared and we call her to check up. It takes two weeks for us to meet her again, after his leg is cure but still she have to wear a bandage.
         Want to know how we meet her? I was shock when she call us to go for tuition on Wednesday, I never think of she getting cure so fast, when we reach there, she is holding two stick and walking. When she saw us, she broke us a smile. And I was stunned because we totally have nothing to say. From that day on, this tells me that she is a very very very responsible teacher. She told us that she is not very good going up the stairs, but only that day. She tells us to go to her house for a tuition. We went to her house on the next Wednesday. Her house was like..... A super House Of Nature which only seems to build in the old London, It was so beautiful, so neat, so...... (nah~! I lazy explain go see ur self).
          We start helping her to do some housework when we are free(still in class time, she just ask for our help). After 1 month having tuition in the house, we finally can go back to our old tuition center. And one day, she tell us that next week we have to cancel our class because she had a surgery, stomach surgery. So we missed one more class like that~ When we reach Form 2, I still remember The Phantom Of The Opera, she explain it very well and also she read the book with us, together. After we finish the book, she wan us to understand the settings. She let us watch 'The Phantom Of The Opera', haha nice movie but alot of opera song singing here and there.
          It took us two day just to finish the movie. After 2 days of tuition which is two weeks cause 1 week once we had a tuition, and at the third day. There is a new student(the fellow that I said I counted him) came. He was a fat....not fat a huge guy with spec. He is also friendly, and thats when we started having 5 members in our class. The class continue very well and when we reach Form 3, thats when we say that we have to get A in our PMR. Because if 5 of us get A in PMR our teacher will belanja us eat crab~ Yummy~. And we just study study study(me no lah = = I'm super lazy, I only went for tuition and study).
          After we get our PMR result, we went for the tuition(Wednesday). We shared our result and, poof~ we all get A~ Huala! But none of us remember that we can makan crab~ And a girl drew a crab and show me( the one same class with me ). At, first I don't understand what she meant but he said with a low voice "crap arh" and wakaka I told the teacher about that. The teacher said "Good! Lucky u tell me, if not after I do the surgery I canot eat anymore seafood. So next week you all come to my house and eat ok? Because the following week I'm going to have my eye surgery". All of us agreed.
           On that day, we all gathered at the tuition center and the teacher send us to her house(lalala, we meet again Super House Of Nature). We talk about jokes and teacher teach us about the English Culture of eating. We learn and we ate as she want haha~. My friend took some stupid picture of mind so did I took some stupid picture of him = =. That day was very fun and the crab is super tasty(oh no my saliva is coming out). After that week, my teacher went for her eye operation. It took few week for her to cure.
           And this Wednesday, I went to tuition. We was studying and sharing jokes as normal time. The teacher tell us some weird stuff that she normally never did. I just listen and didn't ignore cause it just impossible for me to ignore it. And when she reach a sentence"and that day the doctor told me that they can do nothing....." and she broke a cry. All of us are shocked. She told us to keep that to ourself and dont tell anybody else. Cause she don't want her family to get worried.
            I and my classmate(two of them same class and same tuition with me now) which is same tuition as me, are shocked. But when we reached school, we never talked about it cause all of us also try to ignore. And every night, I pray to the god. I dont know who is he and I dont even seen him before but I wan to tell him. Whoever your are, please help her. You never showed up in my life I dont know weather I can believe you or not but just please, bless her.......

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