Sunday 25 December 2011

Nothing To Do

Today so boring, I woke up 8 o'clock morning(too early cause slept 1 o'clock yesterday)
When just wake up I go open computer Zzzz. This is my life everyday with computer XD
When I almost die cause of bored my bro come kacau me say wan go gunting rambut(King Kiat's partner XD).
很可怜的我被逼陪他去= =, My mum send me to the restaurant to have sum food,
And I kept thinking of ‘it'(secret canot tell XD).为了Stop thinking of 'it' 我叫了一碗
干酪(tak tahu correct or not)麻辣板面extra large的来吃,我真的辣到连妈妈都不认得 = =
Bila sampai rumah, I got a message from fren call me create blog = =(thx her cause she save me from dying)
Then I was mad and I feel like throwing my monitor into the tong sampah!!!!!
I duno how to use the BLOG!!!!!!
OMG........ 只好叫朋友教我怎样弄
After a long long long long time,saya at last tahu how to use
WTF!!!!!!! lol, Ivy call me go use YouTube 1 but I lazy sign up = =
After 2 hours finding for MP3 player, I feel like flying when I found the player
Ok, now  I  found it so I will put the URL and play the song ^^ happy
Click..... then I see a player ^^........10 second.......20second......1minutes.......2minutes
WTH not playing? then I go click the play and the song came out = = lol why must click 1?
Then an Idea got into my head, I go design and click edit then I change the name into:
'Click play if you want to listen' XD so smart HaHa harap 2day ppl read this rojak dun confuse
cause I duno what write so I 乱乱来XD THX

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