Tuesday 27 December 2011


Yesterday night after I off my com, I was so energized and I canot sleep at all. I saw my bro open tv so I just go and watch. I found that this story was so interesting and I almost cry when I watch it. Its about a guy that always been bad to all his friends and family. 他在30岁时气死了他妈妈,在他唯一朋友的结婚典礼捣乱,在公司作弄他的同事,等等等。Then 1 day he dreams that he saw his 良心 tell him if he keep doing like this he will die in a car crash. But he don't care and keep doing it until boom. He's dead and he's in the hospital, he beg and beg for the 良心大哥 to gib him 1 chance. At last the 良心大哥 canot tahan any more because he is so annoying and so he tell him, after seven days there will be 1 more car crash and if there is no 7 friends come visit you, you will be totally dead. Then he is so stupid in the 1st few days, he go tell everyone he will be in the hospital after 7 days and tell them to come visit him. At the 3rd day, he was standing downstair of a EQ tution centre which teach you how to make friends. He saw a girl and keep arguing with her. After the girl leave, he faster go in and register, then the girl also come in and register and they argue again and the worker tell them that this class is totally 为他们设计的. XD lol so funy. Then they know each other and in the class he know some stupid fellow which is some Ham Sap, sum Stupid, Sum Cuan and some weird. Then he have a good idea and tell them to visit him at the hospital after 4days and they call him an idiot and tell him go to Hospital Gunung Hijau(青山院,hospital untuk orang gila punya). Then he talk to the girl and after few days, he 终于良心发现。Then he think it was too late to save him self from the God of Dead so he gave up.(This part is starting of the best part because this part is about What will you do if you have only 1 day of life left?) Then he go ask the girl. What will do if you have 1 days left in the world? The girl tell him sum things and the most important thing is go find his X boy friend and kill him. Then the guy tell her to find a new guy which will be better to her. Then the girl ask her if he's in love with someone else and the guy says that there will not be any chance for him to get that girl. At last he shout to the sea “I Love You". (at that part you will know that the guy like that girl.) At night he decided to confest to that girl and he bought a ring. Then he went to the restaurant and call the girl to come, he give the ring to that girl and tell her to keep it as an refresh of memory but the girl seems dun understand and then the girl get a phone call from her sis tell that she saw her X boyfriend with a weird girl at the Seven Elven, then she forgot about the boy's ring and went out. The boy chase and took his ring, when he reach there he found the girl. And the girl accidently saw her X Boyfriend and he chase him, then a taxi come and almost langgar the girl but the boy push the girl and kenal langar(this is when the accident happen). Before he pengsan he give the handphone to the girl and tell her to listen to the recorded sound and it says "我爱你,你可不可以做我的女朋友?" And the girl cry and call for help. Then there are sent to the hospital and when waiting, the girl remember that the boy tell her if there is seven ppl go visit him then he no need to die. Then she call many ppl from his phone then at lst there are six of them. But there is no one to come anymore. The boy tungu and tungu at last the times is up and the 良心哥must bring him to his death, at the moment it is very sad but at the funny part, got 1 aunty come up and curse him. Then she beat him and the guy wake up and hug that aunty. Then he is alive. LOL what a stupid and comedy and 感人的故事。Then at night I canot sleep because I keep thinking, what if I got also only 1 day of life? HAHAHA~ then I think, I will take my guitar to the stage or anywhere that ppl will hear my voice. And play all the songs that I can play. Then after that I will call my best friend and tell them to take care. And also dun forget my family ^^. Then I will tell the girl that I like I Like Her(if I got that time). Then I will hug my guitar and wait till the end at night on the grass land sleeping. XD what will you do if you got only 1 day of life?

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