Thursday 29 December 2011


Today I went to work early with my father(I start work with him since 3weeks ago. Then 2day I was weird cause normally I morning cant eat anything and night I will become eating machine. Then 2day morning I eat until my father bankrab(joking) and afternoon I cant even finish the food(which is so little for me lah ofcourse I eat like non human 1) Then I was thinking sure 2day sumthing will happen. And when afternoon I was suppose to sit in the office and tan aircon but my father suddenly call me and say "Maan, you go follow A Yang(a guy work in my father office) and send those water to bla bla bla......." 很可怜,我又被逼去Zzzz Why my life so可怜?Then we reach 1 place and he suddently tell me"here got many leng lui 1, later go see leng lui" OMG...... I duno what to say I was suppose to say Im not that pervert but I scat he will say I am gay. Sien arh why all boy must Gab Lui 1? Then we reach the place and we place all those thing into their office and take the money then I faster run. When in the car I ask wat is that place then he say its a PUB~ -.- WTH....... NVM then I follow to the other place, it was so hot but he call me wait OUTside the car(hilux, sumthing like fourwheel car and behind is like lori) cause he scat got ppl come curi thing. The things was too much to cary and it takes him 2 round to cary all. The 1st round I think it was normal to wait, then I almost die and the second round he still call me stay /.\ mummy save me~ Then I faster get on the car when I see him come. He ask me"last time so many leng lui here why now I canot see any leng lui 1? You sure got see many leng lui when you outside rite? Dun tell me you never see any cause I wont believe you" = = wth why I must see leng lui? Then he ask me again cause I nvr answer "You dun like see leng lui?" OMG....... I duno what to say so I just keep quiet..... To continue the part that I know sumthing will happen.... I rush back home from office (my father send me in motorbite in super speed I almost fall out from the motor but its already normal from me, the ppl in the car sure think "wah this father wan to kill his son?" but I think it just normal cause I sure will ride as fast as him -.-) and when reach I faster take bath and tell my father send me to tution, I nvr do my homework cause not enough time. When I reach there the teacher(I will call him Sir cause its what I always call him) ask me "did you finish you homework?" I can only say 1 answer that is no, Sir shake his head and I feel so sad cause I dissapoint him so I took out my homework and finish it in 5minutes, everyone was looking at me(include Yap Kiat and Ravi) and tot I was gila and I sure get wrong XD I also tot I will wrong. Then Sir gib me a big mark and say OK. OMG WLAO EH~! Then I tot I just lucky, after sir gib me few question and start doing I finish all in the 1st and when I doing EX9 they was still in EX7 lol~ What happen to me? Then sir was suppose to gib homework a,b and c(dun think it is so little add maths will make you mad even only a b and c) And be4 I know I already finish Zzz.... And Yap refuse to talk to me cause I so cuan XD(I do it in purpose) Now I wan say bye bye cause I wan make a new post BYE BYE

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