Saturday 31 December 2011

Work until wan die T.T

Yesterday I was so hyperactive and do so many works, Morning I help my uncle go send something(I forgot cause sumthing more important happen behind) Then he tell me later he will bring me refill sum water for the tank(1 tank is about 10-15 litter or water which means 15kg each tank but when kosong is so light I cant take 5 1 time) Then he call me put in al 52 tank into the lori = = he so free orh~ I climb up and down the stairs and accidently I bleed my self thx to the stupid lori's screw. I just continue cause its just little scratch. After putting on all the stupid bottle.....Giant Bottle. I finally have 30 second to rest = =. Then I take up my shirt(ps:not take out) and found my luka bleeding alot, I just ignore it cause I scat later I feel pain(cycalogical thinking) My uncle Da Bao sum rice for me then I faster wallup everything and go to the lori and the stupid door for the lori to go out suck !!!!! NOOB DOOR~!!! We waste about 30minutes to fix it. Then we go to the place where we can take the water and refill. My uncle park the car outside the place and tell me take all the Giant Bottle and put at the thing like a trolley(in physics it is totally a trolley). Then all 46 bottle on the trolley and 6 I put on the ground cause not enough space. Then my uncle say, you put all the refill bottle into the lori I go buy sumthing 1st. Then he left me with 52 bottle of water which each is 15kg++. I was going to die then I remember my bro Cuan me say he take all bottle into the lori and my uncle still scold him slow XD. Then I think I will be better than him and I take all the 52 bottle into the lori in super speed. When my uncle came back he say "Wah, you so geng 1? I tot Im coming back and help you to take but you already took all!" I was so happy before I reach the office = =. When we finally sampai the office, I must take down all the bottle from the lori to the office door. NO~~~~ /.\ Then this time I'm lucky caues my uncle finally help me. Then after I put all the bottle down. Got 3 custemers suddently come into the shop and I must work like hell and 1 guy even forget to take his waranty card back. Haiz and 1 stupid mangkali come scold scold scold duno scold what and my uncle tell him sumthing and he canot talk anymore and then my father dun wan make enemy in business and gib him a super low price for that thing to sell. Then that fellow still F**KING STUPID and ask for less price. I feel like killing him but I let my father to settle and my father finally gib him low price. Then when we finish those stupid business and I see 1 guy carry about 20 boxes of fan outside the door and my uncle call me kira, then I kira so slow and finally my father come help me. He did it so fast = =. Then the most horible part happen I am COMMAND to put all the fan inside the shop and ofcourse they got help cause I'm not superman. Then after carry everyting inside, my uncle call me put this here put this there put that here put that there. Finally finish and I can go back home ^^ happy~. Then today morning I woke up my whole body pain, lucky I ate enough protein yesterday if not sure I die 2day. Then I still went to work with my father. I 2day lucky cause I'm going to work with my 2nd uncle and change the filter. The filter is the small 1 and we take a fast time to change. Then we came back at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. And when we reach I pust all the Ga Chang into the store. While waiting I and my 2nd uncle go eat Ba Ku Teh~ !!!!! NICE MAN~ Then at 3 o'clock we get a order to send and install it outside the customer's house. My uncle always do everthing and I canot do = =. Then finally my father call us come back and My uncle tot still got work and I was dying and then when I reach my father call me go back and I totally forgot 2day we going out. Later after I come back I will write 1 more blog. Bye Bye Bah~

Thursday 29 December 2011


Today I went to work early with my father(I start work with him since 3weeks ago. Then 2day I was weird cause normally I morning cant eat anything and night I will become eating machine. Then 2day morning I eat until my father bankrab(joking) and afternoon I cant even finish the food(which is so little for me lah ofcourse I eat like non human 1) Then I was thinking sure 2day sumthing will happen. And when afternoon I was suppose to sit in the office and tan aircon but my father suddenly call me and say "Maan, you go follow A Yang(a guy work in my father office) and send those water to bla bla bla......." 很可怜,我又被逼去Zzzz Why my life so可怜?Then we reach 1 place and he suddently tell me"here got many leng lui 1, later go see leng lui" OMG...... I duno what to say I was suppose to say Im not that pervert but I scat he will say I am gay. Sien arh why all boy must Gab Lui 1? Then we reach the place and we place all those thing into their office and take the money then I faster run. When in the car I ask wat is that place then he say its a PUB~ -.- WTH....... NVM then I follow to the other place, it was so hot but he call me wait OUTside the car(hilux, sumthing like fourwheel car and behind is like lori) cause he scat got ppl come curi thing. The things was too much to cary and it takes him 2 round to cary all. The 1st round I think it was normal to wait, then I almost die and the second round he still call me stay /.\ mummy save me~ Then I faster get on the car when I see him come. He ask me"last time so many leng lui here why now I canot see any leng lui 1? You sure got see many leng lui when you outside rite? Dun tell me you never see any cause I wont believe you" = = wth why I must see leng lui? Then he ask me again cause I nvr answer "You dun like see leng lui?" OMG....... I duno what to say so I just keep quiet..... To continue the part that I know sumthing will happen.... I rush back home from office (my father send me in motorbite in super speed I almost fall out from the motor but its already normal from me, the ppl in the car sure think "wah this father wan to kill his son?" but I think it just normal cause I sure will ride as fast as him -.-) and when reach I faster take bath and tell my father send me to tution, I nvr do my homework cause not enough time. When I reach there the teacher(I will call him Sir cause its what I always call him) ask me "did you finish you homework?" I can only say 1 answer that is no, Sir shake his head and I feel so sad cause I dissapoint him so I took out my homework and finish it in 5minutes, everyone was looking at me(include Yap Kiat and Ravi) and tot I was gila and I sure get wrong XD I also tot I will wrong. Then Sir gib me a big mark and say OK. OMG WLAO EH~! Then I tot I just lucky, after sir gib me few question and start doing I finish all in the 1st and when I doing EX9 they was still in EX7 lol~ What happen to me? Then sir was suppose to gib homework a,b and c(dun think it is so little add maths will make you mad even only a b and c) And be4 I know I already finish Zzz.... And Yap refuse to talk to me cause I so cuan XD(I do it in purpose) Now I wan say bye bye cause I wan make a new post BYE BYE

Tuesday 27 December 2011


Yesterday night after I off my com, I was so energized and I canot sleep at all. I saw my bro open tv so I just go and watch. I found that this story was so interesting and I almost cry when I watch it. Its about a guy that always been bad to all his friends and family. 他在30岁时气死了他妈妈,在他唯一朋友的结婚典礼捣乱,在公司作弄他的同事,等等等。Then 1 day he dreams that he saw his 良心 tell him if he keep doing like this he will die in a car crash. But he don't care and keep doing it until boom. He's dead and he's in the hospital, he beg and beg for the 良心大哥 to gib him 1 chance. At last the 良心大哥 canot tahan any more because he is so annoying and so he tell him, after seven days there will be 1 more car crash and if there is no 7 friends come visit you, you will be totally dead. Then he is so stupid in the 1st few days, he go tell everyone he will be in the hospital after 7 days and tell them to come visit him. At the 3rd day, he was standing downstair of a EQ tution centre which teach you how to make friends. He saw a girl and keep arguing with her. After the girl leave, he faster go in and register, then the girl also come in and register and they argue again and the worker tell them that this class is totally 为他们设计的. XD lol so funy. Then they know each other and in the class he know some stupid fellow which is some Ham Sap, sum Stupid, Sum Cuan and some weird. Then he have a good idea and tell them to visit him at the hospital after 4days and they call him an idiot and tell him go to Hospital Gunung Hijau(青山院,hospital untuk orang gila punya). Then he talk to the girl and after few days, he 终于良心发现。Then he think it was too late to save him self from the God of Dead so he gave up.(This part is starting of the best part because this part is about What will you do if you have only 1 day of life left?) Then he go ask the girl. What will do if you have 1 days left in the world? The girl tell him sum things and the most important thing is go find his X boy friend and kill him. Then the guy tell her to find a new guy which will be better to her. Then the girl ask her if he's in love with someone else and the guy says that there will not be any chance for him to get that girl. At last he shout to the sea “I Love You". (at that part you will know that the guy like that girl.) At night he decided to confest to that girl and he bought a ring. Then he went to the restaurant and call the girl to come, he give the ring to that girl and tell her to keep it as an refresh of memory but the girl seems dun understand and then the girl get a phone call from her sis tell that she saw her X boyfriend with a weird girl at the Seven Elven, then she forgot about the boy's ring and went out. The boy chase and took his ring, when he reach there he found the girl. And the girl accidently saw her X Boyfriend and he chase him, then a taxi come and almost langgar the girl but the boy push the girl and kenal langar(this is when the accident happen). Before he pengsan he give the handphone to the girl and tell her to listen to the recorded sound and it says "我爱你,你可不可以做我的女朋友?" And the girl cry and call for help. Then there are sent to the hospital and when waiting, the girl remember that the boy tell her if there is seven ppl go visit him then he no need to die. Then she call many ppl from his phone then at lst there are six of them. But there is no one to come anymore. The boy tungu and tungu at last the times is up and the 良心哥must bring him to his death, at the moment it is very sad but at the funny part, got 1 aunty come up and curse him. Then she beat him and the guy wake up and hug that aunty. Then he is alive. LOL what a stupid and comedy and 感人的故事。Then at night I canot sleep because I keep thinking, what if I got also only 1 day of life? HAHAHA~ then I think, I will take my guitar to the stage or anywhere that ppl will hear my voice. And play all the songs that I can play. Then after that I will call my best friend and tell them to take care. And also dun forget my family ^^. Then I will tell the girl that I like I Like Her(if I got that time). Then I will hug my guitar and wait till the end at night on the grass land sleeping. XD what will you do if you got only 1 day of life?

Monday 26 December 2011

After Christmas Become Crazy

Yesterday was Christmas, When at night I duno why suddently so high then become gila.
And I did many weird things = =(too much lazy write). Then I must wake up early 2day(pukul 10.00a.m.) because of the genius King Kiat, He wan buy guitar then I must follow him go choose. Yap say wan come my house 10.30 a.m. but he came 10.50 a.m. Zzz. Then I was playing MAT(with the hacking system) and Yap
say I was crazy, but I dont think so because King Kiat also say he wan play XD. I play until forgot mandi, when 11 o'clock, I cepat go mandi cause already late. I take 3 minutes to bath cause I scat King Kiat suddently come.
After finish madi, I still got time comb hair because King Kiat also late = = Kiat came to my house with his parrents(which I was already expected for it) Then my grandma was talking to them about my bad things = =
OMG, she told them I not yet eat breakfast......always late..........canot bangun when morning. Then I quickly
go into the car and close the door and say bye to her. King Kiat father ask me where the shop I mentioned(and pudu) Then I tell him to road(ofcourse normal ppl will do lah Zzzz). I talk with Yap and Kiat on the way about many things cause ntg to do. Bila sampai I can see my father shop which is just 对面 of the Guitar Shop. But there was no parking 害到我们要去很远找Parking. 走了很远的路我们终于到了我爸爸公司。Then Kiat say he wan go toilet. I just let him go and wait for him. When he come out he sit there and relax, I scold him go faster cause his parents was waiting. Then we went into the shop, Kiat doesn't seems happy because non of them he like it. Then his mother took 1 guitar(which cost RM150), then me and Kiat start laughing and tell that the price look nice but the guitar look horible. After dreaming there for 10 minutes, we decided to go the other shop inside the mini shoping complex. Beside the shop is a shop that sell computer, mp3, mp4 and lcd. We all focus on the tv more then the guitar because it looks terrible, then I heard 1 guy playing a nice part of songs. Kiat parrents start looking angry I call kiat decide. At last Yap say go Viva(walao super expencive), but then Kiat parents call me pergi makan dulu thx to my grandmother. Then
we go the shop but sadly the 鸡饭,烧肉饭,叉烧饭shop no open. Then I can only buy 杂饭。There was no food I like so I took all vegetable. I tot I'm gona pay for myself cause I told his parents not to pay for me but suddently yap come gib me RM10 and say "KingKiat的妈妈叫我帮mai你给." 没办法只好给了。Then we was suppose to go Viva but I told them not to cause scat bankrab and go Lesure Mall The Guitar Store buy cause there cheap nice and many choice(I always go there fix guitar, buy guitar, and buy guitar's item d) When we reach, there was also no parking. = =(why public holiday no parking 1?) Then King Kiat's father 被逼去 shoping Parking. Then he leave us at the road side and call us go the shop 1st. Then we go in, Kiat Kiat was so happy when he saw the RM400++ guitar. Then the guy come and call us buy the pakage cause Kiat tell him he is beginer(lol stupid fellow) Then I tell Kiat dun wan, I free him the cable cause I got extra 1. Then he call his mum to come cause he duno and dun hab money. Then when his mother come, we took a super long time to discuss and at last he bought a red guitar and 1 small 10volt guitar. When we went back(all to my house YAY!!) I was the 1st to try the am and guitar. Then we play play play until gila(I think its only me) then I teach Kiat some chord(I promised d 1) When Kiat go upstairs to play computer, I and Yap recorded 1 song but suddenly Kiat come and do sumthing stupid, I can't tahan ready and start laughing. The whole video was runed because of him. At last we decided to post the video also. After sending out Kiat I recorded 1 more(both video I look terible). Then at 6.00 p.m. we went for tution and the add maths is so hard(but for me its okey) I almost die cause I was too tired. Then when I go back I quickly open com and relax. And now I'm going to sleef XD Good Night and Bye Bye.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Nothing To Do

Today so boring, I woke up 8 o'clock morning(too early cause slept 1 o'clock yesterday)
When just wake up I go open computer Zzzz. This is my life everyday with computer XD
When I almost die cause of bored my bro come kacau me say wan go gunting rambut(King Kiat's partner XD).
很可怜的我被逼陪他去= =, My mum send me to the restaurant to have sum food,
And I kept thinking of ‘it'(secret canot tell XD).为了Stop thinking of 'it' 我叫了一碗
干酪(tak tahu correct or not)麻辣板面extra large的来吃,我真的辣到连妈妈都不认得 = =
Bila sampai rumah, I got a message from fren call me create blog = =(thx her cause she save me from dying)
Then I was mad and I feel like throwing my monitor into the tong sampah!!!!!
I duno how to use the BLOG!!!!!!
OMG........ 只好叫朋友教我怎样弄
After a long long long long time,saya at last tahu how to use
WTF!!!!!!! lol, Ivy call me go use YouTube 1 but I lazy sign up = =
After 2 hours finding for MP3 player, I feel like flying when I found the player
Ok, now  I  found it so I will put the URL and play the song ^^ happy
Click..... then I see a player ^^........10 second.......20second......1minutes.......2minutes
WTH not playing? then I go click the play and the song came out = = lol why must click 1?
Then an Idea got into my head, I go design and click edit then I change the name into:
'Click play if you want to listen' XD so smart HaHa harap 2day ppl read this rojak dun confuse
cause I duno what write so I 乱乱来XD THX

1st day In Blogger

Lol, today's a boring day..... I feel like killing my self to get rid of feeling bored.
So my friend call me join blogger~ Don't know nice or not lets see XD
Welcome to my blog~ ^^ Im Kongz