Wednesday 28 November 2018

[Interesting Idea] Pulling the peg

Just watched a video about atheism. The speaker believe that humanity is being pulled back from progress by religion, and he described it using trains. The trains are ran by scientist in the first cart, while subsequently the people behind are dragging the train slowing it down by not contributing. Posted it on Facebook and took it down after awhile, I think I should stop believing in talking to people about problems, they simply do not give a shit. Here's the post for record, this is an interesting idea, it does change my mind right now, but I'm not sure how this will affect me in the future, who knows it might even helps.

" People can believe whatever the fuck they want, but when the world ends it doesn't gives a fuck about what you believe. People needs to grow up and away from the fear of not being guided by a divine being, grow the fuck up and walk it yourself. Things aren't always gonna be okay....... when problem comes we have to fix it, ourselves.

Maybe instead of trying so hard for a lifetime to safe the one dragging us (us as in humanity, in case people get offended) behind, maybe the wisest choice to save humanity is to pull the peg.

PS: After writing this I also realize a big part that contribute to this is human's selfish desire to achieve their goal that defines only by their lifetime, we simply do not care about the fate of humanity far beyond ours, I may be the only one (or at least around me) that feel the terror whenever I think about the end of humanity, when fossil of our creation is left behind in a giant ball floating around in cold dark space. 

Apparently selfishness, although been taught to be negative, seems to be enjoyed and praised by humanity. We live in a world where everyone just wants to get rich, buy cars and houses that meant nothing after our death, and for guys sex seems to be extremely attractive (I really just do not understand this desire, I do seek companionship but there has never been just for sexual interaction, it would be nice if someone is actually out there but I think I've experience enough to understand that I'm definitely gonna walk this alone). 

The world needs another perspective, I would be dead if it's not for others' sake, there is simply no reason for me to exist, I live because people around me wants me to and expect me to. I am not saying this to feel superior, it is just that I feel extremely lonely, there is simply no one that share the same perspective, and no one that actually cares, I do not know how to convince others anymore, it seems that I'm the one that is not fitting in, I have already lost the confident to be vocal (for matters that is related to this discussion). I believe that if human were to survive for thousand more years we need to stop thinking just about 'me', but about 'us'. This is something that is not in our gene, I don't think human will ever understand this concept. I still remember the time that I thought that being different means being like Einstein, or Tesla, or Newton, or Davinci, this is not as fun as I thought I guess "

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