Friday 4 January 2013

Random Post.......

So long since my last post......  I don't think anyone still remember this or anyone will come back and read this abandoned blog. But I suddenly think of it and come here to 发泄 cause I duno when my brain will explode. Maybe this blog won't be as long and the others but maybe it will be longer cause today I will type everything that just came to my mind. 1st thing of all we have to go back to few months ago. Coach G, my tuition's Sejarah teacher is a very straight guy and he made people to think from some direction. He always talk like gangster to his student that make other teacher thought that he is just a normal coach that teach football but not a teacher. But sometime he talk in a way that make you understands things. He though us that Malaysian ourself always complain about how bad it is, we never really do anything for our self, to change what it is now. At that time there is a Bersih 3.0 or something like that. He went for it and came back and tell us, Malaysian finaly have some xxxxxxx(sensord cause its bad words, just normaly stand for Malaysian is getting brave enough to do something for what they want la) and that plant some though in me that let me think that I must not always complain, why don't I get what I have and create what I don't have? He also plant another thought in us, he is a guy that always pray and thought there is really a god watching us and will guide us. But after he seperate with his x wife(another story maybe will tell later) and he start to think. Thats what I like about him, he always think before he take any action. He went from temple to temple to ask a question, "why?". He got all the same answer he even read the bible, the Quran and anything else from all other relegion. He got his answer, there is no God watching us, just something that create us for some purpose like we created our pen or something. Or maybe create and left us, or maybe we just apear our self, there must be a stop to everything, something must appear naturally to create other things there must be a top stop, if you say there is a God and what if I ask you how God appear and why create it? This make my head explode few times. And so I cannot accept the death of human, even in a game I don't know why. The newspaper also scared me. Human have a nature, they have to pray to something because they them self cannot decide where they are from and why are they here. And when you were pull away from that though you will start to think but you will be corrupted as well like me, sometimes I will just sit there and daydream for something but always don't remember cause it went too far until something like where will human goes when we pass away? And I got part of the answer and some I canot sort out. I ask my self, if human brain is the main thing that control whole of our body, what if we have a full copy and after we died we recreate it. And recreate the same body will the guy that open his eyes is me? Or will it be another guy? Maybe there is really a soul in us, our existence and what we are doing and what we though, the brain will make us do things  its like the brain is a container for the soul, the soul is the petrol for an engine to work but the soul canot effect how well and how the engine will work. Ok I think we should continue with another topic. Lets go back to my coach divorce with his wife. He divorce with his wife is because his wife was a woman that control everything and coach was a blur fellow that allow her to do what she wants and she is a bad woman of course. Coach finally started thinking(I don't know why and when and how) and he divorce and he started a tuition centre. This plant a though in me, we have brains is to think and we canot always do something without thinking. If someone can tell my brother this I would be happy. My brother very 叛逆 one, he always argue with my mother and I thought that is just his 叛逆期, but finally today my father chase him out of the house, what will happen to him? He has been chase out few times already, but always come back. That day he say that I got things better than him from my parents, and had a big fight with my mum. He went out and came back finaly. Today I don't know if he will come back or not, I don't know if my mum already know this cause he is at work or maybe with her friends not yet come home. What will happen to him, will he come back, it feels weird that there is someone in my life's gone, I don't like the feeling. I don't dare to tell any of my friends, if you guys read this you can come talk to me, but if you don't know anything, just assume that I'm talking to a wood cause I watch a movie and got know of 树洞治疗法(绝对商桥) HaHa.... Stop here

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