Thursday 2 February 2012


Today also got tuition, haiz.......... Went to tuition cause I like to there for no reason. Ok now talk about the Past~ Form 1, I went to school with my mum the 1st day. I sat at the front row with no one beside me. Suddenly got 1 guy came and sat beside me. He is Lim thats what he told me. In the starting time we always quarrel with each other but we are still friend cause I always forgive him. Then I change class from Cekal to Budi (going up not down). Then I known JVK the pro~ Haha and then I known Ravikaant ^^. And also Gig! We are known as the 四大天王 cause we always 捣乱 in the class haha no do homework, talk in class when teacher teaching until teacher marah and call the guru disipline XD. That time four of us are the most most most best friend when we are in trouble we help each other. Until the last day, we were separate cause of my BM getting D. I went down to Cekal and JVK Budi, Ravikaant and Gig Bakti. Then I met with my most best friend in my life, Simeon. We do things together everyday, I feeling happy and not getting betrayed by friend when I'm with him, sometime I also quarrel with him but after 30minutes we will be ok again XD. That part of my life is so heaven /.\ and the heaven falls when I got known that he went to Sarawak and canot come back until Form 5. I went to form 3 with my X classmate Ravi Gig and JVK. We are not like last time any more. My gang change to Akihiro Lulu's gang which is also Lim's gang. Mid year time, we all are anti LLH gang, we always find stupid way to do stupid things to him. And somthing stupid happened and I hated Lim. Lulu was the middle ppl so I pitty him = =. That was the suckest life I ever had. That time I still dun watch K-ON and I was playing band with Yap only but no Super Band XD. Until 1 day I, Yap and Nesh meet in the toilet and saw the K-ON picture and then we started band together, I started watching K-ON and I become eddicted to Japan. We started so noob, then we getting better and better. Lim was my X drumer and I ask Yap to choose me or Lim to stay = = I think he is regret cause.... I will explain later. He choose me, we stay and we found Kiat the genius and so Ravi that interested in drum. The form 3 life after PMR is OMG FANTASTIC we all are so gila. Then we went up to December, we went to the same tuition together. So we started everything earlier than the others. Starting time we are like normal life but until something stupid happend. This is what I wished for when I'm form 3 but thats no I want now. All my subjects I suddenly can be so Pro I dun even have to study just read and got it. Like I'm been bless by the God or something else I was happy when starting. All my friends come to my house I always teach them, and yap started to be strange and not friendly..... he was my best best friend that time and I feel nervous and awkward >< I found out everthing 2day, maybe because I'm being too good and I started become LC, I realize that but I'm just joking with them. 2day I tell to my self in the heart, and maybe the God heard me. I say "I dont want to become the Pro Kong which every body get nears me for reason, I wan to be the Noob Kong that always have friends with me and that help me when I needed them but not I help them and they think I'm stupid I dont want to become smart suddenly I want to be a normal person, someone that needed to study to improve not sleep until tuition time go tuition get 100% for exam!!!!!!!!!!!". Then, I started to get slow and all my quetions gets wrong, all my friends are faster than me I dont know why I do many careless mistaks like last time. I hope not because I have no mood doing that time so I wrong, I hope because I regret for what I want from the God and the God took back the stupid wisdom and bring me back my friend. Haiz~